
Projek ramai2

Monday, December 27, 2010 Posted by Johan

  1. AdikAiman

    Apa kes ni ? apsal berendam kaki ? nape tak rendam dgn kote2 skali... Yang kenyit mata tu goda soh isap kote dia ke ?

  2. Anonymous

    adik aiman ni sape ek?
    nak knal bley.
    pe name facebook ko.

  3. AdikAiman

    Anonymous - boleh.. tp aku bukan budak lagi la.. FB tak de..

  4. adik aiman tu maksudnya kote aiman. aiman berumur 40 tahunlah. hahah.

  5. oh wow besnyer bersesak2 begitu ..
    Hi aiman..

  6. Anonymous

    kalau begitu..
    macamana kite nak kenal ye abang?

  7. kita boleh kenal. kita jumpa lepas tu kita main kote. ok tak?

  8. Low

    Hi Johan,

    Nice your blog you have here.
    Cute your boypics that you got.
    I'm also a fan of boy kote!

  9. hi low,

    thanks. all of them are my favourites.. i love to see and play with their kote. some kote i got but some only in my dream.

  10. Low

    Really, you have play with their kote? Nice....
    I'm not melayu but I also like kote of melayu boys.

  11. yes. y u like kote melayu? is it becoz it's cut? heheh. i like cut kote only.. :p

  12. Low

    I like cut kote and kote that is still not cut also. As long as smooth and no hair!

    Malay and Chinese both i like.

  13. how bout indian kote? cut/ uncut no hair..

  14. Low

    I never seen indian boy kote before. I always see and touch melayu and chinese kote when I in school

  15. i see. how old are u now? can we chat in private? i'll set a gadget for us to chat privately.

  16. Low

    I'm nota boy anymore. In school like to play with boy kote until now.

    How to chat?

  17. leave me a message in my Contact Me! form above. We'll keep in touch via email.

  18. Low
  19. AdikAiman
  20. Hi Low.. "Salam kenal.." (bak kata Indon)

  21. join apa adikaiman? jilat kote aiman lah. tp aiman yg 11 tahun tu.. :p

  22. AdikAiman

    johan... boleh jugak... hehe

  23. Low

    Hi Kirel - nice to know you

  24. nice to know you too..

  25. nice to know you all ..and nice to see all these pics.. XD

  26. Anonymous

    marilah adik ku...kita mandi sama sama ....ramai ramai...abang tak kisah....aku tgk anu mu adik tgk anu ku...aku pegang anu mu adik pegang anu ku..abang hisap anu mu...adik ramai ramai isap anu abang...ohhhh...sedapnya tubuh kalian wahai adik adikku...jangan lah membazirkan usia muda mu itu...ia cuma bertahan 5 tahun...apalagi kalau sudah disunat....biarlah abang merasanya walau sekali...kalau dha expired tak merasalah

  27. hahah. anonymous gersang melampau..

  28. aliff

    tau x pe.nasib baik la saye dah tukar name aliff.haha

  29. Anonymous

    Soory lah pakai anonymous...

    memang sia suka main ramei


  30. gunalah nama sendiri. anonymous je. tak kenal lah. jeffrey, aliff kan lagi enak namanya..

  31. aliff

    aah.tengok macam saye.da tukar name.haha

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