
Jom bogel..

Saturday, January 1, 2011 Posted by Johan

  1. Low

    what is this boy taking off his clothes? blue underwear...nice

  2. Anonymous

    hye low..
    can i know u..

  3. Low

    yes u can know me. How to get to know u?
    why are u anonymous? You like boykote too?

  4. encemn bbudak tu..

    Aq tau siapa Low.. Kau Gerard Low,kan?
    Hahaha.. memain je.

  5. hahah. aku pun xkenal saper low? entahlah low. semua org nak jd anonymous je. xgentlemen. :p
    low u like the boy taking off his clothes? he wanna play. that's why he bogel.. play with his kote. kote kote..

  6. Low

    Johan - u seen his kote? Nice or not? Tasty? :P
    He look like he is changing his cloths.
    Anyone here like chinese boy kote?

  7. i saw his kote in my dream only.. huhuh. i like malay kote. chinese kote not much.

  8. AdikAiman

    Low - i like chi boy kote... as long as its still smooth and tasty.. u got any to share with me ?

  9. faris
  10. Anonymous
  11. Anonymous

    fuhhhh.....berilah kehangatan tubuhmu di tubuh ku adik ku

  12. Anonymous

    i got chinese boy dd(kote)..sape nak?trade lol..

  13. Anonymous

    aku nak citer sket pngalaman maen kote dak cina fom 2 tapi blum de bulu lg,biasa la kulup,kulit dia pn takleh open smpai abis lg,sparuh je so pala takuk tak nampak lg le,helmet kaler merah2 ungu,dia dh leh pancot tp sket je,cair2 lg..bau btg dia tang kuntum kelopak 2 kuat,perrghh..cair seyh,tp so2 cute comel je,reddish pinky..time nak meletop je jd merah saga..nak tau lg smbung citer ni?...tungguuuuuu

  14. hahah. citer lucah ni.. x-rated.

  15. aliff
  16. Anonymous@kanji

    sorryla takleh nak sambung,abg johan dh kategorikan x-rated..huhuhu

  17. huhuh. oklah. tukar rating 13PG.

  18. aliff

    hehe.sesuai la dengan saye kalau macam tu.13PG

  19. memang sesuai pun. ko kan 31PG..

  20. Anonymous

    hahah..kesian org tua nak jd dak kecik ni,kote pn dh kerepot,kna wat plastic surgery la ye...hahaha

  21. ntah2 aliff ni naik syahwat dgn meroleplay dirinya sbg dakcik tak?

  22. mungkin jugak. transage. hahah

  23. Anonymous

    o maybe dia nak jadi JUSTIN BiBir kot,prasan innocent n childish lg...wakakakaka

  24. wakakakaka.. back to reality.

  25. Anonymous always be mine~Justin Bibir@alifff...hahahahaha

  26. Anonymous

    wei aku dngar si Justin Bieber tu kulup cuz dia asal dari Canada n kat sana komunitinya jarang amalkan bersunat sinces baby,klau di USA nearly 70-80%baby boy bersunat lpas lahir-fakta

  27. aku xsuka kulup. lgpun JB kan dh 17thn.. expired sudah.

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